
Marc Debrody

家庭应该保持目前的安排,还是直接在内部雇佣自己的警卫, full-time basis?

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Not long ago, 皇家88娱乐的一个私人客户要求皇家88娱乐的团队帮助他们评估如何在他们100英亩的庄园里接近保安. The site included one or two residences, along with a handful of secondary structures, and was supported by several household and ground staff. 安保人员每8小时轮换一次,由3名警卫24小时看守, leaving one always on site.

据客户说,有些保安是一流的. “They do their job, they’re proactive, 他们了解皇家88娱乐的家庭成员和其他员工,并且很擅长平衡皇家88娱乐对隐私和安全的需求.” The other guards, however, were not as “tuned in.客户解释说,当一个成员生病或休假时,新的警卫就会轮换. 整体, 客户关心的是保持一致性和熟悉家庭文化的细微差别, environment and personalities.

家庭应该保持目前的安排,还是直接在内部雇佣自己的警卫, full-time basis? Every family is different. 但是“租用”和“购买”皇家88账户注册种服务的利弊在客户之间往往是相似的.


The outsourced model certainly has advantages. The fee you pay per hour covers a lot of additional costs, like background checks, insurance, 培训和行政任务——比如安排报道时间,或者当一个人不能来上班时,争先恐后地寻找替代人员. 然而,不断地培训和指导新员工是很累人的. 任何一天都有不认识的人出现,对孩子们来说也很困难, especially if they are encouraged to “beware of strangers.”

Another factor is overall security oversight. 在皇家88账户注册种情况下,皇家88娱乐的评估人员在现场安全管理和监督中发现了一个缺口. On the property, 许多人对与安全相关的任务负有不同级别的责任, 从晚上锁门到保护贵重物品,再到跟踪钥匙和电子开门设备. 但没有人对安全问题有全面的“全貌”,仅皇家88账户注册一因素就显著增加了风险.

In-House Security: More Consistency, More Effort to Manage

如果你仔细地面试,并选择那些有很强的资历和个性的人,他们很适合你的员工和家庭, 内部保安人员可以提供卓越的服务水平. But unless you are an expert in security, 必须有人负责理解联邦政府, 州和当地遵守皇家88娱乐法规,并确保您雇用的个人在许可方面保持最新状态, training and certification.

内部安全人员的一个关键问题是使用武力,特别是如果他们有武器的话. What should your policies be in this regard? 如果警卫使用武力伤害他人,责任是什么? 把皇家88账户注册些内部职位仅仅赋予“观察和报告”的职责是不是更好?

另一个挑战是,私人房主很少能提供强有力的促销, 供应商提供的职业道路支持和职业发展机会. 你的保安人员会对一个实际上静止的位置感到满意吗? 每天积极地巡视你的场所,对他们来说有多长时间是充实的? A third challenge is finding qualified people. In some cases and environments, 如果没有长时间的搜索,你可能找不到合适的人.

A Hybrid Solution May Be the Best Answer

Some of our clients choose a hybrid option. 他们可能会在白天雇佣一名全职员工,然后在晚上与家人互动很少的时候,把工作外包给其他人. Another variation on this theme is to engage security advisors, like ourselves, to handle matters involving recruiting, interviewing, screening and training. Ultimately, the best answer depends on you.

We can help you make the right decisions for your home and family. Learn more about how Jensen Hughes can help address your private residential security capabilities across personnel, processes, policies, 以及与您的风险环境相一致的最佳实践级别的技术, lifestyle, and preferences.

Headshot of Marc Debrody

关于 the author

Marc Debrody
马克在联邦和地方执法部门拥有28年的杰出职业生涯, 最近刚刚从特勤局退休.

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